Rosieland Roundup 198 - The Fandom & Open Source Business Models Flywheels

Rosieland Roundup 198 - The Fandom & Open Source Business Models Flywheels

🏖 The clock is ticking Rosieland Retreat!

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Discourse - The powerful, open platform for communities of all kinds. From companies to creators, thousands trust Discourse as the place to build flourishing, civilized communities.
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🔍 Continuous Community Clues

And here I present the micro daily community building tips I shipped last week:

🧌 Community encourages us to be freaky selves


Social Permaculture = Community 🤝 Permaculture

I love this from The 3Cs of Belonging:

Within the permaculture movement, "social permaculture" is getting more attention, which uses the method of permaculture in human relationships, communities, and social systems. When we come together in a community, our needs, communication styles, goals, and perceptions of steps toward the goals can clash. Differences are natural and can be part of the solution when utilizing healthy relational tools.

Is a community’s purpose best communicated as a question?

I've always been a fan of how questions open up possibilities. Applying that to a community's purpose makes it interesting.

"And I have come to realize that questions are a splendid way to communicate the shared direction(s) of a community. They show that at the center of a group is a shared inquiry. They subtly make clear that we don’t actually know where we’re going, but that what unites us is a commitment to explore the question together." —Fabian Pfortmüller

🍿 How Unity apologized and the comments from the people

Grab some popcorn and see what you can learn from an open letter to the Unity community) and then the comments.


🔄 The Fandom & Open Source Business Models Flywheels

What can I say? I have an obsession with community flywheels. 😃

I spotted this in Christina's latest Fan of the Fan article.

And then this one from Gareth Wilson in his latest dive into Hashicorp.

✨ Curated community resources

I only share a selection of what I find each week in this newsletter. Paid members can access the full archive of links and resources.

Community Research as a Service

Your one stop shop for community strategies, insights, trends and tactics.


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