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The 3 step plan to building a community
Clients community builders want to walk away from are those who expect a clear 3 step plan to building a community.
(Credits: Meme by Simon Tomes, via conversations with Ece Kurtaraner and Rosie Sherry)

Let's go community shopping
This is a great post from Anne Helen Peterson (who is also writing a book on the topic) about how people are adapting to how they connect and build community.
It covers:
- Senior living
- Mommunes
- Friends buying houses together
- Converting offices into shared housing
How not to address the speaker diversity problem
Imagine a tech conference having no CFP, as they reach out to speakers directly. They successfully attract some of the most heavy hitter men speakers in tech, and 3 women speakers.
— Gergely Orosz (@GergelyOrosz) November 24, 2023
Now imagine my surprise that 2 of those women are FAKE profiles.
They do not exist.
How do you know when you have momentum?
Recognising your own stages of community growth is a skill worth fine tuning.
This post from Becky Pierson Davidson caught my eye as a lovely reminder of how good it can feel to get those notifications that show us momentum and community flywheel building is happening.
Unmuck Yourself: 3 Super Easy Steps to Belonging
Unmuck Yourself: 3 Super Easy Steps to Belonging from Tony Bacigalupo will help you break free from the loneliness cycle—so you can foster fulfilling connections with yourself, your friends, and the world around you—without requiring you to be a social butterfly.

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