Rosieland Roundup 214 — On maintaining a community knowledgebase

Rosieland Roundup 214 — On maintaining a community knowledgebase

🗓️ RSVP: Exploring Community Flywheels 

This week:
1️⃣ How I've been creating community content with community pain research
2️⃣ On maintaining a community knowledgebase
3️⃣ Decisions are your intentions
4️⃣ How to meet readers where they are (when where they are is offline)
5️⃣ What's in your PIE?
6️⃣ The GTM Community Machine
7️⃣ Distributed Blackness: available for free online

First up, thanks to our sponsors:

Common Room - Get insights, take action, nurture and support your members, automate manual work,and measure the impact of your community wherever they are. Start for free.
Superwave is your partner in community building. Don't build alone. Build with Superwave. Get 12 months free access.

How I've been creating community content with community pain research

I guess I'm a real community geek when I find myself getting excited at how all the pieces of community research comes together to help action community quickly. In this article I share the practical steps of how I used community research to tie it into community flywheel and content creation.

Community Research as a Service

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