Rosieland Roundup 222 โ€” LinkedIn, the learning network

Rosieland Roundup 222 โ€” LinkedIn, the learning network

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LinkedIn is not a social or professional network, it's a learning network

These are some great thoughts from Tom Cricthlow on LinkedIn and how it could double down on becoming a "learning network".

Perhaps gone are the days of thinking of these things as 'social' and being able to work towards networks and sustainable business models. Out of all the social platforms, LinkedIn seems to have a good business model that generates money from more than just ads.

The hidden barrier to finding your Third Place and how to overcome it

Third Places are easier said than done, Kat Velos explores what they are and how to find or create yours.

This comes from a local community and friendship angle, but increasingly we should ask ourselves if a Third Space is part of our community strategy. This may be applicable, for example, if you host local meetups.

Community variations

I always love a new perspective how the types of communities that can exist. Community is complex and often confusing. It is also evolving. Yes, community has likely been with us since the dawn of time, but we can't deny that how it emerges now is hugely influenced by technology.

Either way, Drew Pontikis shares his list of different types of communities.

Belonging is the wrong thing to scale

Sure, we want to find growth, but that doesn't mean we find it through scaling community, connection and belonging. Are they still core to success? I fully believe so!

GapingVoid visualises this has same pizza, different ingredients.

๐Ÿ“ฐ This week in the news

๐ŸŒ Thanks for reading!

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