Rosieland Roundup 239 — Creating newsletters, embracing sub-optimal relationships and more...

Rosieland Roundup 239 — Creating newsletters, embracing sub-optimal relationships and more...

❤️ Sending love to April MacLean.

Community Curiosity as a Service | Rosieland

Sharing thoughts in public with how I think of Rosieland as a space I'm creating.

Tips for Community Builders to Easily Create Newsletters in Under an Hour | Bernie Mitchell

Most people overcomplicate writing their weekly newsletter.

Especially when it comes to their business, and I get it.

WTF do you put in there that does not sound drab and bland?

Embracing Sub-Optimal Relationships | LM Sacas

We should resist such forgetfulness, and, to whatever degree possible, we should refuse the temptation to eliminate human interactions from our experience like so many inefficiencies in a system optimized for machine-like functionality.

What Does it Mean to Feel Ownership Over a Place? | Jen Shaw

There is a weird dichotomy that exists when people who haven’t taken the time to really care or form a connection with a place feel compelled to comment on it’s flaws. One would hope the same visitors also pick up their trash and treat the folks they meet in these places with respect. Afterall, if you feel enough ownership to criticize you should also feel responsibility to look after the place, right?

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Your one stop shop for community strategies, insights, trends and tactics.


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