Rosieland Roundup 240 β€” Cities, Conference, Front Porch Forum, and more!

Rosieland Roundup 240 β€” Cities, Conference, Front Porch Forum, and more!

πŸ‘‹ Summer is fast passing us by and I'm slowly getting nervous for our upcoming conference at Ministry of Testing.

The world of conferences has truly changed, personally, I'm grateful to be bringing 500+ software testers. What a privilege. What an opportunity to re-think and redesign our conference and community.

I hope you enjoy what I've gathered this week.

πŸ™ Many thanks to our sponsors...

Common Room- Get insights, take action, nurture and support your members, automate manual work,and measure the impact of your community wherever they are. Start for free.
Discourse- The powerful, open platform for communities of all kinds. From companies to creators, thousands trust Discourse as the place to build flourishing, civilized communities.

The Power of Two | Rosieland

A lesson in the power of how we think about conversations with two.

Your community platform should be designed like a city | Platforming Community

Our web applications reflect the individuality of a city's ecosystem, and we need to improve our ability to accommodate tourists.

When we think of our applications' members as tourists, we can start making design decisions that improve the member experience for everyone, old or new.

Community Conferences - What to know? | Community Pulse

If you're involved in running conferences, this is worth a listen as a sense check with the state of (tech) conferences.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen conferences ebb and flow. Some community-run conferences have evolved into new things, new ones have sprouted up while other annual favorites have sadly gone extinct. What goes into a community-led conference? How does someone get involved? Let’s take a look!

Dear Bri | Bri Leever

Shout out to Bri who launched her podcast with 3 episodes:

The friendliest social network you’ve never heard of | Washington Post

Front Porch Forum is the local network that just keeps going. I love to see updates from it and deeper research into the success and data behind it from New_ Public (read their post and report).

On Front Porch Forum, there’s no real-time feed, no like button, no recommendation algorithm and no way to reach audiences beyond your local community. It offers users no reward for posting something provocative or sensational, other than the prospect that your neighbors will see it and perhaps bring it up the next time you run into them at the grocery store.

Community Research as a Service

Your one stop shop for community strategies, insights, trends and tactics.


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