Rosieland Roundup 242 β€” Community growing pains

Rosieland Roundup 242 β€” Community growing pains

Well, I had a break from the newsletter as I headed into a very busy conference period with Ministry of Testing.

As you can see, I survived. I was busy. I had a break from Rosieland, not from work. πŸ˜…

🌈 This week in Rosieland

Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community. β€” TEDx

A feel good reminder of the importance of community. ❀️

Radical Belonging in an Age of Othering β€” Grateful Living

Life is a gift. πŸ’

To avoid falling into the trap of the rage machine or binary thinking, the practice of grateful living asks us to ground ourselves in the root belief that β€œlife is a gift.” From this root, we grow a perspective that all people have inherent value. Rather than anyone being dispensable and disposable, we know that to be alive means to be in possession of something sacred. And when the sacred is not easily discoverable in another, gratefulness invites you to look more deeply for it like a hatchling in the grass. Stop. Look. Keep looking. When you’re tempted to quit, stop once again and look more. This is what it means to be alive β€” to be in relation and always on the lookout for all the opportunities to put love into action. 

YouTube Communities are like mini Discords for creators β€” The Verge

There's a shift happening. It's interesting to watch with scepticism.

YouTube may be a video platform, but the company has always seen itself as a social product, too. And it knows well that the most important way to make a platform stick is to give people a way to hang out with each other. So even as it comes up with new ways for creators to make and monetize videos, it’s also investing heavily in hanging out.

Social Rules β€” Recurse Center

Many of us are familiar with Code of Conducts, but what about social rules?

RC has four social rules. They help create a friendly, intellectual environment where you can spend as much of your energy as possible on programming.

The social rules are:
- No well-actually’s
- No feigned surprise
- No backseat driving
- No subtle -isms

Fumbling toward liberation β€” Brain Stout

This is a great post to help point you toward learning about liberatory practice. I certainly have many new browser windows open as a result!

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