This week in community building - Issue 45

Community Builder is out now

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Crafted by Lana Kristine Jelenjev. (Read her LinkedIn launch post)

Practical toolbox for starting and developing a community. More than 40 different tools to help you understand WHO your community members are and what they need from the community. Also to clarify WHY your community exists and HOW to make the best out of it.

Perry Chen and Theaster Gates on Community-Driven Creativity

The Kickstarter co-founder Perry Chen understands how communities can fuel creativity. The artist Theaster Gates knows how creativity can invigorate a community. What happens when they put their heads together?

The 'big society' is long gone. How can we sustain the surge of lockdown volunteers?

From The Guardian

Mutual aid groups flourished in the UK during this pandemic. We need proper state funding if they are to continue to grow

More in the community building world…

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