Rosieland Roundup 219 - Curating community far and wide

Rosieland Roundup 219 - Curating community far and wide

⚡️ RSVP: Community Business Models 2024

I'm noticing that my curation trends are far and wide reaching. I'm finding more that I feel compelled to share. Much of what I find these days doesn't come from the "community building industry". I'm not even sure what the community industry is these days tbh.

What I do know is that I just have to let people know about these things and this is my service to you. Curation is work. It is slow. It is intentional. I share much of these resources (and more) within the Rosieland community. It's also intentional through creating a knowledge base as the result of what I curate.

Curation shouldn't be seen as something that you have to consume. It's more about having a browse and taking a pick of what is relevant to you. What you get access to in minutes is a result of many hours behind the scenes looking for what is interesting.

Some may seem them as "just links", but to me this is what I'm exploring, logging and thinking about in real time. This is how I learn what I learn about community. This is how I grow. By sharing it, you can follow along too.

Often I'll end up writing about things I've discovered along the way. Usually from my perspective and experience. It can take me months to get there though. By following what I curate you can get a taste for what's going on in my mind right now.

Some people offer consulting as a service. I (generally) don't, instead I share everything I learn through careful curation, writing and support in the community.

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🌈 This week in Rosieland

📚 Stories as Community Discovery
⚡️ Community Business Models 2024, save your spot!

👋 Kristen would love your help!

Reach out on or respond on Glitter (paid members).

I'm looking for folks who would be open to a 45-minute conversation about their community building work. It's for a self-motivated exploratory research project about distributed community building - more info here:

In a nutshell: while I've been doing a type of community work for years, I've only recently realized the breadth (and depth!!) of what community building is. And I'd really like to learn from other community builders about how they practice their craft.

🌃 Searching for my city

This is a great read from Reboot that explores the various use of technology in terms of place making. Admittedly I fell down a rabbit hole with the Community Memory project.

🔄 How To Grow Your Community With Flywheels

Becky Pierson Davidson takes a look at one of my favourite things, community flywheels!

🪄 How to ease yourself into being a host

I love this from Marta Brzokso, we don't get enough about the art of hosting and how much of it that falls on our plates as community builders.

🌳 Treeconomics: A (Not-So)-New Image for the Business World

I love the exploration of new business thinking that is kinder to the planet and to humans. This one looks at it from the perspective of trees. It inspired me to explore the idea of one from the perspective of community, a business model where community is at the heart of everything. ❤️

📝 The Power of Community Knowledge Management

I got very excited to see Doug Belshaw from We Are Open Co-op explores the concept of Community Knowledge Management.

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Your one stop shop for community strategies, insights, trends and tactics.


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