Rosieland Roundup 262 β€” People trust community insights over search results

Rosieland Roundup 262 β€” People trust community insights over search results

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🌈 Recently on Rosieland:

Beyond subscribers: Building a thriving community on YouTube

If you're tempted to use YouTube to help build your thing, this video is motivating to watch. And yes, it's tempting me to do it!

The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences | Ben Werdmuller

I don't disagree with this post, but also it's likely more nuanced.

I find it interesting that there's a general saying that the internet is heading towards smaller communities. The challenge with this is that small means unsustainable, we have to find ways to not be small to make a living. Or finding that balance is hard.

There is also the angle that publishing is traditionally not great at community. And perhaps community is not great at publishing. Combining the two is super interesting model though.

Survey: 42% of people say Google Search is becoming less useful | Search Engine Land

Maybe community people don't give ourselves enough credit...

More than half of respondents also said they rely on their community for information rather than Google or other search engines.

Google continues to lose ground among younger generations, with 61% of Gen Z and 53% of Millennials using AI tools instead of Google or other traditional search engines. That’s according to a new Vox Media survey.

The Neighbouring Movement

I'm not sure how to feel when I see things like this. I'm one part happy, in the sense that I think "how nice it is to see effort being put into something good like this". However, from the other angle I'm thinking, "isn't the world in a funny place that we need to be educated to do these things?"

Thirty lonely but beautiful actions you can take right now which probably won't magically catalyze a mass movement against Trump but that are still wildly important | Garrett Bucks

What a great list of ideas to inspire community action, politically related or not!

Why? Because others will see you do them, and it will make it easier for them to take their own (slightly less lonely but equally beautiful) action by your side

Higher Logic failed in its commitment to users of Vanilla Forums | Patrick O'Keefe

For a project to end is normal. But to leave users of a long-running community software vulnerable, with no off-ramp, no communication, and no transition period where the security of the software is maintained... well, that's completely unacceptable.

πŸ“° News

YouTube will soon restrict creators from mentioning certain online gambling sites
YouTube says the rules will help protect younger users.
The fallout of Meta’s content moderation overhaul
New refs, new rules.
Reddit adds new tools to help users contribute and connect across its platform | TechCrunch
Reddit announced on Thursday that it’s introducing a set of new tools to make it easier for users to participate on its platform.
Reddit will tell you if your post breaks the rules before you publish it
Watch for the Rules Check.
Instagram is experimenting with a Discord-like β€˜community chat’ feature
Instagram is working on a β€œcommunity chat” feature that allows people to organize groups of up to 250 people in the app.
Twitch will open some monetization tools to even first-time streamers
Twitch is going to let anyone, not just Affiliates and Partners, earn subscriptions or Bits when they stream in 2025.


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