

236 posts β€” Rosieland Roundup brings gathers weekly community news, articles, events, products and more!

Rosieland Roundup 214 β€” On maintaining a community knowledgebase

Rosieland Roundup 213 β€” Community as Medicine

Rosieland Roundup 212 β€” Using AI to explore creating community maps

Rosieland Roundup 211 β€” Leadership is community-driven πŸŽ‰

Rosieland Roundup 210 β€” Hello 2024 πŸ˜ƒ

Rosieland Roundup 209 β€” Social Learning as the Heartbeat of Communities and Networks

Rosieland Roundup 208 β€” ROI = Ripples of Impact

Rosieland Roundup 207 β€” The 3 step plan to building a community

Rosieland Roundup 206 - Are you open to work? Or hiring?

Rosieland Roundup 205 - The product approach to open-source communities

Rosieland Roundup 204 - Community is being there when someone is looking forΒ you

Rosieland Roundup 203 - The ritual of saying goodbye

Rosieland Roundup 202 - The Love Bomb Edition πŸ’£

Rosieland Roundup 201 - Perhaps the magic of community is elevating the ordinary

Rosieland Roundup 200 - What if there is no community? πŸ’€

Rosieland Roundup 199 - The Two Loops Framework and the death of the dominant community industry

Rosieland Roundup 198 - The Fandom & Open Source Business Models Flywheels

Rosieland Roundup 197 - Oops, I've started a new daily community newsletter

Rosieland Roundup 196 - The secret to an amazing community πŸ˜‰

Rosieland Roundup 194 - The Community Tools list

Rosieland Roundup 193 - 400 posts means reflection time! πŸŽ‰

Rosieland Roundup 192 - A formula for showing community value

Rosieland Roundup 191 - The 80/20 Membership Model That Focuses on Giving Back

Rosieland Roundup 190 - The Chatham House Rule

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