View allArchitecture designed with community in mind
The Community Channel Creation Funnel
My last post was about how community channels can be prototypes of other work we end up producing.
Community channels as prototypes
Looking at channels with an action focused mindset can help us move our communities forward with greater clarity.
Do we really know best? Learning from community centered journalism.
One of the things I've been striving to do is learn from how others do community. Often the
Never has it ever been so important to...
...get out there and do the work locally.
Community flywheels build upon what complement each other
Distractions and short-term thinking are red flags when we build communities.
Fandom is wonderful. Fandom is ugly.
We often fall into the trap of believing that the one thing is the answer. And often this turns into
Lost connection
Making every interaction count
In a world that is constantly interacting. Where we are measured, obsessed, and judged based on engagement. Where we need
Networks that support communities
Data-Driven Community Quilting
I love this idea of Data-Driven Community Quilting so much.
The future of AI is (potentially) about clever connection
Community growing pains
A space of sustainable permanence
Let's have a quick look at a local creative community space.
Community needs good communication
Community is confidently moving toward the niches
The world of community is changing and it's exciting to observe. The loneliness epidemic is real, the way
The Community Search Engine Mindset
As part of Community Discovery we focus on learning and discovering. I've written about many angles of this
The Fediverse Shift
The Fediverse is not new, but there's been a recent and increased shift towards its adoption. For me,
The Power of Two
A lesson in the power of how we think about conversations with two.
Community Curiosity as a Service
The world changes. We change. Our needs change. I started Rosieland in 2020, that wonderful start of the pandemic year.
Backstage community
We have a problem in the community industry where all too often the emphasis of our work is placed within
The Foundations of Community Emergence
In my last article wrote about emergent community processes and how the only way I know how to build communities